Grand Café by La Varenne


Privacy Policy

The Grand Café by La Varene website is published by FAVRE SARL, whose registered office is located at 17 Route de Luxembourg, 6182 Gonderange.

By continuing to browse this site, you accept without reservation the following provisions and conditions of use. The version of these conditions of use currently online is the only one that can be used during the entire period of use of the site and until a new version replaces it.

1. General conditions

Grand Café by La Varenne attaches the greatest importance to the protection and security of its users’ personal data.

This site records and processes data in full compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

As a user, you agree to the processing of data in accordance with this declaration. The current version of the GDPR can be found at:

The privacy policy as described here only applies to this website

If you are redirected to other websites via links on our pages, please inform yourself directly on the redirected website which concerns the respective processing of your data.

We process your personal data (e.g. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the European data protection legislation (EU No. 679/2016 of 27 April 2016).

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that data transmission via the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail or via unencrypted websites) may have security gaps. Complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible.

This website uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential information, in particular requests sent. You can recognise an encrypted connection by the lock symbol in your browser. This means that the data you send us cannot be read by third parties.

2. Personal data collected and processed

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a name, an identification number or one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Grand Café by La Varenne may collect personal data that you have sent to us via its website ( for the purpose of requesting contact, subscribing to the newsletter, participating in competitions and submitting your application in response to a job offer.  

If you send us enquiries via the contact form, the information you have provided in the relevant enquiry form, including the contact data you have entered there, will be stored in our CRM system in order to process the enquiry and in case of further questions. Further processing is carried out internally. The data will only be processed internally and will not be transferred. The data will be deleted or made anonymous after 13 months. 

Grand Café by La Varenne uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. 

In this context, anonymised user profiles are created and cookies are used. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website is transferred to one of Google’s servers for storage.

The integration of Google services sometimes allows Google to collect and process information (including personal data). We cannot control what information is collected and processed by Google. Please see Google’s privacy policy:

For more information on data protection in relation to Google Analytics, please visit the Google Analytics support page:

3. Right of access, rectification and removal of your data

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, you have the following rights: 

Right of access: you may exercise your right of access to your personal data collected on this site (by writing to the e-mail address given below). In this case, before exercising this right, Grand Café by La Varenne may request proof of your identity in order to verify its accuracy;
Right of rectification: if the personal data held is inaccurate, you may request an update of this information
Right to deletion of data: you may request the deletion of your personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
Right to restrict processing: you may request to restrict the processing of your personal data in accordance with the assumptions set out in the GDPR; 
Right to object to the processing of data: you may object to the processing of your data, in accordance with the assumptions set out in the GDPR; 
Right to portability: you can request the delivery/transfer of your personal data 

These various rights can be exercised by contacting us by email at or by post at the following address: 17 Route de Luxembourg, 6182 Gonderange.

All requests must be accompanied by a photocopy of a valid identity document signed by the person making the request and must indicate the address at which Grand Café by La Varenne may contact the person making the request. A reply will be sent within one month of receipt of the request. This one-month period may be extended by two months if the complexity of the request and/or the number of requests so requires. 

4. Data retention policy

Grand Café by La Varenne retains your data for the time necessary to provide you with its services or assistance.

4. Management and hosting

The website is hosted by OVH SAS, whose registered office is located at 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix (France) and registered with the French Trade and Companies Registry under number RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045 (VAT: FR22424761419).

5. Access and content of the site

All photographs, texts, illustrations and videos on this site are protected by the laws in force concerning intellectual property.

They are the full and complete property of Grand Café by La Varenne or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, without the prior written consent of Grand Café by La Varenne, is strictly prohibited.

Access to and use of the site are strictly for personal use. The user undertakes not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any form of commercial solicitation, in particular the sending of unsolicited e-mails.

6. Responsibilities

The publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of a failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption in operation, preventing access to the site or to one of its functions.

The publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of legal proceedings against you : 

– due to the use of the site or any service via the Internet
– as a result of your failure to comply with these general conditions

The publisher is not responsible for any damage caused to you, to third parties and/or to your equipment as a result of your connection to or use of the site and you waive any action against it as a result.

If the publisher should be the subject of amicable or legal proceedings as a result of your use of the site, he may take action against you to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, sentences and costs that may arise from these proceedings.

Cookie policy

Cookies are files that store and retrieve information about your browsing habits.

The information obtained, in particular via Google Analytics, is anonymised and informs the marketing department of the Grand Café by La Varenne of the number of pages visited, the location from which the site was visited, the number of new users, the frequency of visits, etc. 

The lifetime of these cookies is thirteen months.

Get in touch with Grand Café by La Varenne

For any question, information on the products and services presented on the site, or concerning the site itself, you can leave a message at the following e-mail address:

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